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Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Buccaneer Quotes, Oct. 21

Head Coach Greg Schiano

(On running back Doug Martin)
"Doug has a shoulder [injury], as you know, [he] had tests done on it, and it'll probably be a stretch for [him to play] this Thursday. We'll have to just see. I wouldn't go any further than that right now, just got to wait and see."

(On safety Dashon Goldson)

(On the specifics of Martin's injury)
"I'm not going to get into specifics of exactly what his issue is. If it was season-ending, I'd let you know, but I don't feel that it is right now. We don't feel that it is, our medical team. We're just going to play it by ear and go from there."

(On not ruling Martin out for Thursday's game)
"I hate to do that, because I don't like to put limitations on people, but when you say, "It's a stretch," then it's a stretch."

(On Goldson's availability for Thursday)
"I think there's a good opportunity that he can play [Thursday]. We've just got to see how it goes. It's truly day-to-day. With the short week, day-to-day is more apropos than in a longer week."

(On the projected recovery for Martin's injury)
"I think everybody's different. There's different ways you can handle that injury, and I think we've just got to see how it responds to treatment."

(On if pain tolerance will be the main issue for Martin)
"You don't know until you try. You've got to see. It's a little bit of both, functionality – ability to function – and pain is always an issue."

(On if Martin's injury is a torn labrum)
"You're getting in deeper than I know right now. I hear where you're going, but we've just got to wait and see."

(On running back Mike James)
"I've liked what I've seen of Mike the last few weeks, both in practice and the game. He's gotten a few more touches each game, and obviously this one [Sunday against Atlanta] by necessity. I think Mike has really improved as a running back, from the beginning stages of training camp and made improvement steadily. When he's had his opportunities, he's done good things. If you remember – I forget which game it was – in one of the last three games, he had a nice run; it got called back on a penalty. He's done some good things. I think he understands our running game. He sees what the vision is and he tries to execute the play, and then I think his natural abilities take over. As I talked about early on, when we drafted him, he's got really good one-cut ability as far as when things flash in front of his face, whether it be in the backfield or at the line of scrimmage. He's got some quick feet and can make that first guy miss, which keeps you out of negative plays, and he seems to fall forward, which is an important thing. [Running back] Brian Leonard, I think, is a downhill runner that also has some better feet than maybe people would think. Between those two guys – we'll obviously have to do something, [because] we'd rather not go into the game with two backs – so we're still figuring out what the best plan of action is there."

(On how James is performing in blitz pickup)
"I think pretty well. [The defender] was coming with a full-head of steam and Mike, as they say, got run over slowly, but that allowed us to get the play off."

(On if the coaching staff needs to improve to reduce penalties)
"We most certainly do, but everything is a collective effort. Last year, I think we were 11th in the league in [penalty] yardage, and now we're dead last, so something has changed. We're two-thirds worse. It's a problem that we have to get solved. Now, what is the problem, right? Part of it, I really believe, is we're just trying too hard, we're pressing a little bit. Why do you hold somebody? We have six holding penalties in two games now. Early on, the penalties were those personal fouls that were aggressive plays. It's kind of been an evolving penalty problem, different penalties. What I tried to do is look [to see]: is it 'a' guy? If it's 'a' guy, you make a change, but it's not. I'm going to talk to the team at four o'clock, in our team meeting, and I think we've got to make those go away, because right now, if you look at them, six of them were in Atlanta territory, four of them in the red zone, I think three of them on third down, when we're on offense, maybe four of them. Then, defensively, we committed penalties that gave them [two] first downs on third-down defense. When you add that all up – as I said yesterday after the game, when you look at the final sheet, you look at a lot of the different things, you say, "Oh, what'd we win by?" But you don't look at that column that says 'PEN' because that's a big reason why we didn't win."

(On looking past this season given the 0-6 start)
"It'd be easy to do that, but let me tell you, it can always be worse. I don't think of things that way. I just take the next task at hand. I can tell you, on a short week like this, you don't get a lot of sleep. You try to get everything done. You try to make it as good a plan, yet not very complicated, because you don't have a lot of time to practice. As a matter of fact, we won't really have true practice, where we're actually locking in with guys and [having] any contact whatsoever. It really has to be between the ears, get yourself, physically, feeling as well as you can as a football team, and we've got to go out and execute against a team that, right now, is pretty hot. They're on a little bit of a roll. I like the fact that we're at home – first regular season night game for me as head coach here in Tampa and [I'm] looking forward to going out there and doing what we set out to do each week, and that's win. You look at where we are – we're even in turnover margin. That's not great. It's not bad. As a matter of fact, it puts you right, dead in the middle of the league, when I looked at the stats this morning. Usually, when you're even, your record's pretty even – you're usually 3-3, 2-4, 4-2. We're 0-6. Penalties are certainly a big part of it. I'm trying to look at what are the things we're doing that an even-turnover-margin team shouldn't be doing to at least be .500, or thereabouts? We're going to press on, but to answer your original question, things could be a lot worse – and I don't mean record-wise, I just mean in life. You've just got to go. You take the next task at hand and you go with it, and that's what we'll do."

(On the lack of production in rushing the passer)
"I think the past two games have had a big part to do with that. Certainly, we're not getting the production. In the Philly game [Week 6], we didn't do a good job of getting them in situations where you could pin your ears back, and that's a tribute to them. They did some things to get [themselves] in 3rd-and-two-to-fives. But in the Philly game, we missed four sacks. We had our hands on him [Philadelphia quarterback Nick Foles] and didn't get him down. At that point – when you get to him and you don't get him down – we've got to get him down. Yesterday, I think [Atlanta quarterback] Matt Ryan does a very good job – I think they were eighth in the league in sacks allowed going into the game, so they were in the top quarter of the league. I think a huge part of that is Matt Ryan. He does a great job of getting rid of the football, and, a little like [Tampa Bay quarterback] Mike [Glennon], he's a little more mobile than you give him credit for. He's not going to run all over the field, but he's going to move in the pocket and adjust well, like he did on the one deep pass yesterday. We've got to do a better job pressuring the quarterback. We hit him, there were some hits – he was on the ground sometimes. That's what I look at – hits, pressures – but not nearly enough, not for what we like to and see ourselves as. But I do think the two opponents had something to do with that [lack of sacks]. Now, look, we're going [from] – what do they say? – the frying pan to the fire, because this guy's [Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton] going to be all over the place. It's a different issue, but, with Cam, he's going to be running all over the place if we apply pressure, so we've got to make sure we have a means of getting him down on the ground."

(On the performance of the offensive line in Sunday's game)
"We rushed the ball better than we have, so that was an improvement. The quarterback got hit too much. Some of that is on him but not very much. We've got to do a better job protecting the quarterback. We will."

(On if the team should've dedicated more resources to covering Atlanta wide receiver Harry Douglas)
"We had several different matchup scenarios, some with [Atlanta tight end Tony] Gonzalez. I think, in some of the plays you watch Harry catch, they were late-developing plays. They weren't the kind of plays that we would have – I'm not saying we wouldn't have covered him anyway – but, when we broke down their passing game, and to the best of our knowledge, because the guys [Atlanta wide receivers Roddy White and Julio Jones] had gotten injured, we felt like the matchups that we had employed, and the different coverage combinations we had, were going to take away their main threats, Harry being one of them. As it turned out, he caught too many passes for too many yards, so, in retrospect, maybe you could do it differently, but, going into the game, we thought that we had to take Gonzalez away, and, for the most part, we did. When you do that, you do some different things with your corners and your safeties."

(On repeating his message after each loss)
"I think I'd be dishonest if I said it [doesn't wear] on everybody, but we've got a great group of guys in that locker room. They're going out and they're playing good football, at times – winning football, at times. I think they feel – and I know I feel – like we're doing a lot of things, ourselves, to keep us from winning. You know, the old 'if' – yeah, it's a big 'if.' You've got to do it, because we haven't stopped committing those errors, but I believe we're going to, and then I believe we can win games. So, we have to do that. Now, that's my job and our coaches' job to figure out how to get that to happen, and we haven't done a good enough job as a coaching staff – or myself as a head coach – because we're 0-6. When I say, 'it could be worse' – and I want to be clear on this, because I don't take lightly 0-6. I've never been 0-6. We do our best and we're trying our hardest and our guys are working their tails off, so I have found that, when you have good people and they work hard and they work smart, it'll turn, and that's what I believe. Now, the challenge mounts, right? I said earlier that sometimes I feel like maybe we're trying too hard, and when you're 0-6, it's hard not to keep trying harder and harder, because you don't want to be 0-7, so we've just got to go out and play. We have some injuries, and we're not sure who is going to play, but whoever's going to play, we've just got to go out and let it fly and play – be as focused as we can and let it fly."

(On if the season becomes more about Glennon's development than winning given the 0-6 start)
"There's only one goal and that's to win this Thursday, and Mike's part of that. As I've said, I think Mike's played really good football. You say, 'for a rookie,' but if you look at what he's done, he's doing a good job. Yesterday, one play: the sack-fumble on that third down. I think he was wise with the ball. He distributed it where he was supposed to. He read his keys and delivered the ball. I think he's doing a really good job. His development is certainly important, because it's important for us to win, but we're about winning this Thursday and not trying to do [anything else]. We wanted to throw the ball down the field all season long, and whether defenses took us out of the play or we didn't protect it and didn't get it off, but I was pleased that we threw some balls down the field, because, as we've talked about in here before, you can catch it or you can get a DPI [defensive pass interference penalty]. You can get sacked or [throw] an interception, that's for sure – those are the two [negative] things that are possible – but I like the odds with our receivers and our quarterback doing that, so we'll continue to throw the ball down the field. Mike's development is in a lot of different areas, but it's part of the bigger goal, and that's to win the game."


QB Mike Glennon

(On if he's been able to watch the film from this past game)
"I took a quick look at it, luckily with technology nowadays, we get it right as we're on the plane. Especially with this week, you kind of want to look at and move on. When we got on the plane, I looked at it. [There are] definitely some things to learn from and quickly get those corrected and I'm sure we will once we have meetings here, but with this short week we really have to move on and get ready for Carolina."

(On how different the offense will look if running back Doug Martin can not play)
"I'm not exactly sure, because we haven't had to experience that, but with that being said I think [running backs] Mike James and Brian Leonard show that they're able to play well also. Obviously, we would love to have Doug because Doug is a great player, but I think as an offense and as a team we feel really confident in Mike and Brian to really step up. I think Mike really looked good yesterday and Brian as well."

(On if there is added pressure on players to step up if Martin is out)
"I think everyone just needs to execute their job. If we do that, then we'll be fine; I don't think anyone needs to go out, those running backs don't need to try and go out be any different than who they are. If they just go out and do their job and play like they're capable of playing then we'll be fine."

(On what is causing some of the penalties, specifically penalties on the offensive line)
"I think that would be more of a question for those guys. I've never had a holding penalty in my life. Obviously, they're going to be frustrated. I think anytime a penalty is called, they're going to be frustrated with themselves and with the situation. I can't comment on that too much, that's more of a question for the offensive lineman."

(On targeting wide receiver Vincent Jackson 22 times against Atlanta)
"Honestly, I just go through my progressions and there are a lot of times where Vince may be the first read and if it's there then I'm going to take it. I don't really look out there – obviously Vince is extremely talented and he does make it more comfortable for me to throw the ball to because I know he's going to go up and get it. I just go through my progressions and wherever my read takes me – I think you see in other weeks it's a bunch of different guys [that catch passes]. I definitely enjoy throwing it to Vince, but I'm just going to go where my reads takes me."

(On if he's locked in to Jackson)
"No, but at the same time I know in certain looks if it's one-on-one with him then it's a good matchup."

(On his accuracy throwing the ball down the field)
"I'm plenty confident in my accuracy down the field, there's nothing to that. Vince makes good plays and I feel comfortable throwing to all of our guys deep."

(On what was missed when Martin was not on the field Sunday)
"I don't know, I haven't really sat back and thought about that. Obviously Doug is one of the best backs in this league and we would love to have him, he's a great player. At the same time, like I said, we're comfortable with those guys and confident in them. Doug is definitely a good player and we want him to be out on the field."

(On the sack-fumble that led to a touchdown on Sunday)
"They brought more guys than we could block. Like I said yesterday, that one is on me. I was trying to get it out hot but wasn't able to do so. That fumble is all on me."

(On what he has seen from Carolina's defense so far)
"They're definitely really talented, they're one of the top defenses in the league statistically and with how they're playing. They're really talented. The first person to pop into my mind, just because I played against him in college, is [linebacker Luke] Kuechly. He's all over the field, instinctive, smart and just has the knack for the ball. Their front four is really good and their back end is causing a lot of interceptions. We know it's going to be a tough challenge for us."

(On Carolina not having to blitz because of how good their front four is)
"They're real good upfront. They do send some blitzes here and there, but we'll see what they'll have for us on Thursday."

(On the quick turnaround to play on Thursday night)
"I guess there are both pros and cons to it. We both have to get to our game plan right away. Luckily for us we don't have to travel on Wednesday and they do. I think the [Head] Coach [Greg Schiano] is going to have a good game plan for us and he's going to manage the week well for us to put us in the best position to win."

(On how this week's preparation will be different)
"Technically, it's like a Thursday afternoon for us, but you just have to get your body right and get your mind right and ready to go sooner than normal."

(On what the atmosphere will be like on Thursday night)
"I would imagine it would be pretty good, it's a nationally televised game. Night games are always fun to play in. I would expect a great atmosphere."

(On what there is to play for being 0-6)
"We're just going with what Coach Schiano talks about and that's one game seasons. We're going to take it one game at a time. Right now we're focused on the panthers and being 1-0 this week. We can't focus on the six previous games."

(On if he thinks he is playing for his job next season)
"I'm not really worried about that. Like I said, I'm worried about this week, going out and getting our first win. That's really where my focus is right now."

(On how much the penalties have hurt their drives)
"I think penalties are definitely frustrating, especially when we are on the five-yard line and we're a backed up to the 30-yard line, but it's a part of the game and we dig ourselves in the hole and we have to climb out of it. Obviously, those are mistakes we want to eliminate, but when we're in those situations, I know there were many drives where we had some penalties and we were able to get first downs out of it. Just to stay focus at that play and the next upcoming play and execute our offense."

(On if he's a tough critic on himself and how he thinks he's progressing)
"I'm extremely tough on myself. I think all quarterbacks at this level are. No one wants to succeed more than ourselves and no one is harder on ourselves than we are. I think there is definitely room for improvement. I've made some good plays, I've made some bad plays. I look forward to progressing with this offense and helping this team win some games."

(On if teams shouldn't be surprised by his mobility)
"Like I said, if it expresses itself I can go ahead and get some yards. If I need to extend the play, I can. Overall though, those guys are more athletic than I am but if need be I can get a few yards."


LB Mason Foster

(On the difficulty of a quick turnaround for Thursday's game)
"It's always tough to turn around [this] quick; you know how physical the NFL is. To try to get your body right and everything, and get back 100 percent for Thursday. I love to play football so any chance you get to go out there and play, I love it. You get to play [on] national TV on Thursday night at home– it doesn't get any better than that. It kind of helps ease the transition."

(On how the players respond to Coach Schiano)
"Coach Schiano is a great coach and I feel that we have a great team and things just aren't going our way and we've got to correct it. He's doing everything he can, players are doing everything they can, it's just little things here and there. But that's what it is, that's what it takes to win, and we've got to correct that and turn this thing around."

(On running back Doug Martin's injury and its potential impact on Thursday's game)
"It's tough, he's a big-time player. No matter who it is on a team, you lose a guy like that who makes a lot of plays for your team and is a big part of the offense, it's tough. But we have [a] 'next man up' [mentality], we have a lot of great players on here who have been itching for the opportunity to play, so I'm excited to see who steps up and fills in for him."

(On if linebacker Lavonte David is playing at a Pro Bowl level)
"Lavonte's always played at a Pro Bowl level. Look at his tape last year, he was always playing at a high level, making a lot of plays, and that's just what he does. He's built for that position, that [weakside linebacker] spot. He's running people down, running receivers down, he just makes a lot of plays for us. I love to watch him play."


RB Mike James

(On his performance against the Atlanta Falcons)
"I think it was okay, there still are some things I need to grow from on film if I want to be as good as I need to be to help us win a game."

(On what running back Doug Martin has taught him about the offense)
"A lot, from thinking plays out; knowing my alignment and my assignments and being patient with the ball. He taught me mostly everything I know now."

(On his thoughts when Doug Martin got injured)
"I got on one knee and prayed for him. Hopefully a quick recovery, we all know Doug's a tough guy, and it's my time to go and try to help the team win."

(On if he feels any pressure that he might need to step into Martin's place)
"There's no doubt. Doug's a great running back, a Pro Bowl running back and there's definitely going to be pressure even trying to fill half his shoes. I'm just trying to do what I can to help the team win a game."

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