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Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Postgame Quotes, Oct. 13

Head Coach Greg Schiano

(On the crowd's reaction at the end of the game)

"No disrespect, I didn't hear anything."

(On defending against the Philadelphia Eagles' high-tempo offense)

"I don't think the tempo was really the issue. We just gave up four explosive plays; we haven't done that. Balls haven't gone over our head in the first four games and they did today. This is a good offense, obviously – they're going to get their yards – but if you can avoid giving up those explosive plays, especially the two touchdown passes over our head. What we've been able to do is make people go the long, hard way by playing sound and solid. Today, we had a couple go over our head and it kind of changed the whole complexion."

(On if there was blown coverage on the first touchdown pass to Philadelphia wide receiver DeSean Jackson)

"No. I think a good player made a good play."

(On missed tackles)

"Well, there's more missed tackles than we've had, for sure, but we haven't played against [Philadelphia Eagles running back LeSean] 'Shady' McCoy either. We're not the last team he's going to make miss tackles. I thought we actually tackled him, at times, pretty well. They're going to get what they're going to get. That's a given with that back. We can't let balls go flying over our head. That and offensive penalties were crucial things, and, again, that comes back to right here. It's my job. We've got to do a better job. For whatever reason, we had four holding penalties. Those were some nice plays – close to 40 yards in plays that get called back, plus you tack on the 40 yards of penalties, so you're looking at approximately an 80-yard swing. It's hard to do that and win games. You do it once? Maybe. You do it four times? And that's on me, because, for some reason, it hasn't gotten through or it hasn't been coached well enough or the play or the defense was in an advantageous position against our play – I don't know. I've got to examine it on video. We need to get it figured out quickly."

(On the fourth-down penalty)

"No, he didn't line up in the neutral zone. That's not accurate. What happened is he lined up and then he inched into it, and the question is, 'Did he get back before the ball was snapped?' I'm anxious to see the tape. I thought the crew was very good today, and I asked [the referee], and he said, 'Yeah, I'm sure he was in the zone.' I said, 'Okay.'"

(On quarterback Mike Glennon's performance)

"I thought he played well. [There were] a couple balls he'd like back. [On] the interception, he got knocked right in the noggin as he let it go. I'm not sure on the route. I've got to see the tape. I thought he did a lot of good things. That scramble was a big play there. Again, I think we missed some opportunities, some of them self-inflicted."

(On tight end Tim Wright)

"I thought he made a lot of plays. One of them was a spectacular catch – bracketed and he makes the catch. I'm glad that we're getting the tight end more involved. I think it makes you more complete if you can do that. It makes teams defend all your eligibles. We didn't throw it to the back quite as much, but we threw it to him some. We threw it to [running back Jeff] Demps before Demps got [banged] up. I thought he looked like he can contribute to the offense. There are some good things that you walk away from the game saying, 'Okay,' but, at the end of the day, it's about winning. It's not about good things. It's about winning. There's stuff to build on, going to Atlanta. There's stuff, certainly, that we have to get cleaned up or we're not going to be successful."

(On turning things around)

"We're a competitive franchise [that's] been on the short end of the stick too many times here, so we need to get on the right end of the stick. We've got to play our way and coach our way out of it one day at a time, one meeting at a time, one practice at a time, one walkthrough at a time. That's how you do it. There's no magical answer. You get better by doing all the things that football teams do and coaches do. You stand to your convictions without being stubborn and you move forward. We've got a good group of people in that locker room, and coaches, and they're going to stick together, and we're going to get it turned. As long as you know that, you're going to do it."

(On the published report on the NFLPA's request for investigation on medical records)

"I think [General Manager] Mark Dominik addressed the issue in the pre-game. We as an organization look forward to cooperating with the NFL and the NFLPA. I've already commented on it, and we're going to leave it at that."

(On if the team is well-coached)

"I believe it is a well-coached football team, [but] not well enough. There [are] certain things that we have to get done consistently. We'll get 'this' done in one game and we'll get 'this' in another game, but we're not getting it all together. That may frustrate some, but I'd tell you if I didn't think we were doing a good job. We need to be better – It starts with me, it goes through all my assistant coaches and then through every player on the team. Again, we'll get over this hump and we'll get through it and we'll start winning."

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QB Mike Glennon

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(On his second game as starter)

"Yeah, I felt more comfortable today. It kind of reminded me of college, when I made a jump from the first game to the second game; you're going to continue to grow. There's more and more I can take away from these games now having gone through them, and I think I will continue to improve as the season progresses."

(On the frustration of penalties)

"Penalties are always frustrating. But the most frustrating ones are the pre-snap and the post-snap penalties where it is all mental. At least this is guys playing hard. We have to look and see what happened. Guys are really playing hard, so as long as they're locked in and not making stupid false starts or delay of game by the quarterback or post-snap penalties, sometimes penalties just happen."

(On the bye week)

"I think it gave me a big jump start on being able to watch [the Philadelphia] defense, seeing what they did in the other games and seeing what they did against the Giants. That was a big help. Just to be able to reflect on the last game. Also, just to get more reps with the receivers, with Vince [Jackson], with Mike [Williams], all of those guys. It was definitely important."

TE Tim Wright

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(On moving forward from today's game)

"We can't do anything about what happened out there. We just got to come together as a team and look forward, correct our mistakes, and move on."

(On the utilization of the tight end position)

"I feel like things change in situations that come up that you can't correct. We had some tight ends go down. I had to step up and do what I had to do. I had to use my ability, what I came here for and just go out there and execute my job."

(On the overall game)

"It definitely was a tough one. I felt like our team gave the best effort that we can give. At the end of the day, it wasn't good enough. The Eagles came out and they're a good team. They're a very talented team and we got to give all the props to them. We [need] to just come out next week, focus on the mistakes that we made, correct them and move on."

(On the play of rookie quarterback Mike Glennon)

"He's a very poised quarterback. I feel like he's more mature than what he is as a rookie. He does a great job of leading the guys in the huddle and keeping everyone calm. He does a good job of verbalizing and communicating what our jobs are. We just go out there as 11 and go out there and try to execute."

(On being successful with converting third downs)

"I feel like it's something we worked on all week. We've been working it all camp and working it at all OTAs. It's just timing. I feel like it's just a good connection between the quarterbacks and the receivers, the guys who are catching the pass. We work on it a lot and it's definitely showing for us."

S Dashon Goldson

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(On today's game)

"We're going through some tough times right now, but we just gotta keep coming and keep fighting every week. That's a good thing about this team. We're not giving up, we come out and prepare like we are going to win the football game and that's all it takes."

(On his overall thoughts)

"It's frustrating, but, like I keep saying, our offense wasn't good when I was in San Francisco. We turned it around, though, because we buckled down. We just need to play snap to whistle every day; come in to work and just become tight as a football team. Tough times can do that."

(On the play of Philadelphia quarterback Nick Foles)

"No, I wouldn't say I was surprised by his [play]. He's a good quarterback. We all know what he is in this league. He did a good job of stepping up and he's a good football player for sure. He could start anywhere and he sure did what he had to do for his team today."

(On the MRSA issue causing a distraction)

"I doubt it. We won't make excuses around here. We had a challenge this week. Our main focus was coming out here and playing a football game."

(On giving up the same number of touchdowns today as they have in the first four games of the season)

"They just made more plays than we did. We lost a couple of them. Just looking back, just looking in the mirror, we missed some tackles that caused big plays and that was one of the keys. No explosive plays. But you know this is an explosive football team with the running game and with the passing game and we didn't execute on that. We just got to buckle down."

(On losing second-half leads four out of the five games this season)

"It just comes with execution. Like I said, these guys did a good job of coming out here and they made more plays than we did. We just got to go in and correct the film, see what happened and correct it. We'll just come out next week and play a football game."

DT Gerald McCoy

(On if this is a teaching moment for the younger Tampa Bay players)

"I don't know. You don't want to be 0-5. Really, I guess if there is any lesson, it's just to keep on going, don't get down in the dumps, just keep on going. We are who we are. Just got to prepare for the next one."

(On what the team needs to do to move forward)

"Just get it done, man. It's way past all the other – there's no excuses. It's just time to get it done, simple as that. Everybody wants to talk about our offense, they gave us 20 points today. That is more than enough for what we've been allowing. We kind of let it go on D today."

WR Vincent Jackson

(On what to take away from today's game)

"There's not a lot of positive feeling right now about where we are at. All I can take away from this game is the fact we do have a young guy at quarterback [Mike Glennon] doing a great job. [It's] very impressive the way he is handling the ball. He's only going to continue to get better, making great reads. He stands in there with great confidence and he's going to be a great leader. We'll go back and evaluate the film tomorrow. I think there's some things we can do better. Obviously, we want to keep him clean, want to give him opportunities; when they run a double, triple team me and stuff, we've got to find places to go with the ball. "

(On the absence of wide receiver Mike Williams)

"It's tough, [but] we have guys that can do it. We have the up most faith in [wide receivers Tiquan] Underwood, [Chris] Owusu, and Eric Page. We run this system to death in practice, so everybody knows where they're supposed to be and they have their opportunity to do it. We'll evaluate and we'll comeback and we'll be better."

(On quarterback Mike Glennon's improvement)

"His command of the game; keeping in a better rhythm. He's only going to get more confidence seeing defenses better when it is live action in a game. We can simulate as much as we want in practice but the fact that he is getting more game time [with] different defenses. This is a great defense that we played today, give the credit to them, they gave us a lot of different looks. He stood in there and made a lot of great decisions. He throws a great ball no matter what the route is. Deep outs, ins, crosses, hitting tight ends across the middle. He puts the ball in a position where guys can catch it. That's unique and why quarterbacks play a long time in this league."

CB Darrelle Revis

(On the Philadelphia's final touchdown to wide receiver Desean Jackson)

"We were in zone, they executed right. Usually when he is in the slot he goes deep and he made a great play. They executed the right way and got a touchdown. They threw it on the other side of the field. They executed [and scored]"

(On Philadelphia quarterbackNick Foles's first touchdown pass to Jackson)

"[There was] a little break down. Thinking something else and it wasn't. I thought wrong and it's on me. I gave up an error and they scored."

(On what to improve going forward)

"It's the little things that we are not focusing on that we need to focus on. We've got to be consistent throughout the whole game. I don't think we've yet this year played a consistent game, where everybody is really in-sync playing from the first quarter to the fourth quarter."

(On how the team will move forward after the loss)

"I think the best thing to do is to stick together. There's nothing else to really pinpoint but to stay together. I think we have throughout this first half of the season and we've just got to continue. I think getting a win will heal everything for this locker room."

RB Doug Martin

(On using the extra offensive lineman in the running game)

"[Tackle Jamon] Meredith – he replaced [guard Carl] Nicks last year and did an awesome job last year. To have him as a blocker is good for me and definitely helping the run game."

(On if defenses are keying on him now that the Buccaneers have a rookie quarterback)

"I think we've realized that that's the case, going into the game with eight or nine in the box. But, you know, we have great coaches and they will do their best to have offensive schemes to counter that."

T Donald Penn

(On today's game)

"The whole team flat played their butts off. We keep falling short. We aren't catching any breaks. I'm just stuck, to tell you the truth. I'm really stuck. But I know one thing, I'm going to come back Monday. Tomorrow I'm going to come back fighting, because that's one thing I know I do. I'm going to make sure my teammates do that, too. We've got to fight until the end. It really just (stinks) right now. I feel like we've let a lot of people down. I mean, I can't even pinpoint what it is, it's just hard."

(On if the offense can build off the strong performance)

"We've got to. We've got to take the positives that we did today and try and build on it, and try and fix some of the negatives we did today. Offense has been pretty strong with penalties. We had a lot of penalties today. Some of it was like 'whoa.' It's part of the game, [but] it's hard right now, it hurts. I'm not even going to lie to you, it really hurts and that's just speaking from the heart right now. And I know it hurts to go out there and play your butt off and I know my guys played their butts off. It won't fly right now with all this talent we have, it's really hard right now and it's I can't tell you one certain thing it is, I'm sorry. It's just a real bad feeling in my heart and I feel like we're letting a lot of people down."


Head Coach Chip Kelly

(On QB Nick Foles)

"I thought Nick did a really good job. What we do offensively, we talked about it all along, we don't change. He ran our offense. He did a really good job of spreading the ball around to different receivers. [I'm] really, really happy with how he played today"

(On when Foles knew he'd be the starting QB for this game)

"He knew, I think, just from the amount of reps he was getting. We were just going to see towards the end of the week, but he probably knew yesterday that he was going to be the starting quarterback."

(On if Tampa Bay were playing mostly zone defense)

"They played both [zone and man-to-man coverage]. They mix and match pretty good. That was a really good defensive football team we played against. There is not just one thing they do. They generate a four-man rush and play zone behind it and other times they were bringing a lot of pressure. Sometimes we beat them with the pressure and other times we didn't handle the pressure very well. Overall I was really pleased with how our guys played."

(On if quarterback Michael Vick warmed up on the field)

"Yeah, Mike was suited up and ready to go. We knew Nick was going [to play], but we suited Mike up because James Casey – our emergency quarterback – is out, so we had to make sure we had three quarterbacks ready to go."

(On Philadelphia's first drive)

"I thought it was really important to get out to a fast start and I think the first play, we hit [running back] LeSean [McCoy], he breaks one and then all of the sudden our guys start to get into a rhythm and start to get a roll going. I thought it was really big for us, especially playing a team like [the Buccaneers], we wanted to get on them early and then really make them start to play from behind. I thought that drive was huge for us at the beginning of the game."

(On why he thought the quarterback draw would be effective)

"Just what we saw on film. Like we talked about – our offense doesn't change whether Mike's in there or Nick [Foles'] in there. Nick executed perfectly and we knew they were going to be in a coverage that allowed us to let the quarterback run and Nick executed and our offensive line did a great job."

(On if Foles could earn the starting job over a healthy Vick)

"We'll evaluate everything. We'll go back, watch the film, see what he did good, see what he did bad, see where we are, see where Mike is."

(On if Vick is expected to be ready to play next game)

"I don't make any hypotheticals and I don't make any predictions."

(On the decision to have Vick active)

"The decision to have him active – we wanted to have three quarterbacks. James Casey is our emergency quarterback and James wasn't available to go today. If all of the sudden Nick goes down and you've only got one quarterback, you can't finish a game. Mike could've finished a game for us today. We could've put him in there. He wouldn't have been 100%, but we could've finished the game with him."

(On if the Eagles didn't want Foles running the ball based on what happened to Vick)

"No and I think that's a missed thing – Mike pulled his muscle running out of bounds. It has nothing to do with the type of offense we're running. I didn't tell Nick anything. I told him to let it rip. That's what we told him to do and he did it."

(On the attempting to draw Tampa Bay offsides in the fourth quarter)

"We were just trying to draw them offsides and it worked. If we we're going to kick a field goal from that situation and you want to make it a two-score game. But if we could extend the clock a little bit, that was the most important thing to us, to put them on the field. If we get a chance to go up 11 and we did. You go up 11 and bleed a little bit more time off of the clock. When we got the new first down, we were going to try and see if we could score obviously, but if we didn't, we got some more time off the clock and just try and see if we could get some time off the clock, see if we could jump and they jumped."

(On wide receiver Riley Cooper getting more catches today)

"The opportunities were there. I think he's an outstanding receiver. He wants the ball thrown to him and catches it. The ball was thrown to him today and he did a great job. I'm really happy for Riley."

(On touchdown catches by Cooper and wide receiver DeSean Jackson in the second half)

"We felt like in certain situations, we could play-[action] pass. We were running the ball real successfully and we play-[action] passed him and it gave us an opportunity. Riley did a good job on the first touchdown running by the young rookie corner. And then the other touchdown was just a flood route. DeSean took it over the tight end. DeSean's got that gear that when Nick throws it, I think some people were like 'Where's he going?' Then all of the sudden, DeSean comes out of nowhere. Just two really good designed plays that we've had in our offense and those guys executed it."

(On if the Eagles opened up the offense after halftime)

"I think we played our same offense we've run in the first six games of the year so far. we've been productive in our first six games. I think the difference in today's game – we did a really good game in a turnover battle. It was a tough one to start the game with. But again, we didn't throw any interceptions besides that one. I think our defense did a great job. They came on the field and help them to a field goal, which was huge for us. Then we converted in the red zone. We did a great job. We spent a lot of time this week in practice making sure we could execute down there and we did. So we're 2 for 2 in the red zone overall."

(On how Philadelphia's defense played)

"I thought did a really good job. They got pressure on the quarterback. There were a couple third-and-longs that I think we want back, but overall we were around the ball. Again, we kept the ball in front of us. We haven't had any balls thrown over our head. [Cornerback Bradley] Fletcher had a huge pick to start the second half for us and that was huge for us and we capitalized on that. [We] came away with a touchdown on that situation. I thought we were going to have another one, [cornerback] Brandon [Boykin] dropped that one. Even in some of the third downs they converted, we were extremely close to getting the quarterback down. For a young quarterback, I thought he [Mike Glennon] did a pretty good job in executing. We're getting better each week and we'll take this one, we'll grow from it and we'll go from there."

(On if successfully running the ball in the first half allowed Foles to throw more long passes in the second half)

"I think that it goes hand in hand. When you do run the ball you're going to obviously dedicate more guys to the front and they start to get their safeties down and playing when you need your safeties down in the box and all of the sudden you're going to leave your corners one-on-one and when they did it to us, we made them pay and I think that's a mark of a good football team."

(On if cornerback Cary Williams was injured)

"Yeah, but he went back in. He was out for a couple snaps, but then he was cleared and went back in, so I think he was in at the end. During the game they just tell me if a guy is up or down."

(On cornerback Roc Carmichael)

"I think Roc's a guy that's done a really nice job since we acquired him just a little while ago. Each week you see him improving and I think it helps us with our depth at corner. We've got 'Fletch' [Bradley Fletcher], we've Brandon [Boykin], we've got Cary [Williams] and now I think Roc [Carmichael's] kind of merging as a fourth guy. In a game like this, especially with the heat, you knew you were going to have to play a lot of guys and I know we did, but I think when Roc went in there, I think you're starting to see things out of him. He's done a great job for us in the last couple of games, special teams-wise, especially as a gunner, but I think he's starting to come along as a corner."

(On running plays with six offensive linemen)

"We've run it a lot since we started here. It creates some different matchup problems on how they're going to deploy themselves. You're using [tackle] Jason Peters as a tight end. Are you going to put a defensive end on him? How are you going to time up all of your blitzes? I think it's really a credit to [Peters] when you've got someone that versatile. You don't miss anything from athleticism standpoint, but you get such a great push at the point of attack. I think it really helped."

(On if they used the same play with DeSean Jackson's touchdown)

"No. We were in bounds and we had two tight ends in the game."

(On if there were any other adjustments the Eagles had to make in the run game)

"No. The biggest adjustment we had to make was how loud our fans were. They were freaking awesome. That was unbelievable – you go into an away stadium and listen to the crowd chanting us on like that, it was awesome. I'd like to just give them credit. It's great to see when you go on the road and see all of the Eagles fans run around. We've been successful the last two weeks in a row and now we get to go home and play in front of everybody back home."

(On the MRSA situation)

"We met with Doctor Anderson. He came over and met with myself, [General Manager] Howie [Roseman], [President] Don Smolenski, our doctors and of course [Head Athletic Trainer Chris] Peduzzi last night and gave us the whole rundown of it – where the leak was and how he felt about it. I think we felt comfortable in his answers in terms of how he told us everything worked out. We defer to them, but I think he was very helpful in terms of talking to us and then our doctors and any players that had questions could meet with our doctors and get everything inspected."

(On what was different in the run game this week.)

"I think we called more – probably a little bit more called runs. You're facing an entirely different defense. The four-down defense that Tampa Bay plays with Tampa-two behind it is a lot different what the other guys played. They also didn't have two big 300 and 'x' amount tackles inside. They're a little bit smaller, faster defense and I think probably a little bit better matchup for us."

(On Tampa Bay quarterback Mike Glennon's performance)

"I think Mike did a really nice job. I think he's very accurate. There were a couple times we were draped on receivers on third down and he put the ball only in a spot where the receiver could catch it. For a rookie quarterback – and really I think it's his second start – I was really, really impressed with him today."

(On the Eagles fans in the stadium today)

"I thought it was awesome. I just mentioned it earlier. They were fantastic. It's great to be able to go on the road and see that many jerseys and see that many people running around in green and white. It was awesome. I thought they were huge. Our players enjoyed it. It's awesome when you go on the road and you can see that type of support."

QB Nick Foles

(On when he knew he was starting)

"Before this week, I was taking reps and just coming up to the game, they told I was going to go. Pretty close to the game."

(On how he played against a top ten defense in the Tampa Bay Buccaneers)

"Hats off to Tampa, they're a really good team and a really good defense. We had to fight hard. I was really proud of our guys for fighting and there were some good things out there, but it was a great win. It feels good to get a win."

(On how different the offense is this season compared to last season)

"It is different schematically, but I feel really comfortable here, I feel comfortable with our personnel, our plays, everything. It helps when you have a great relationship with the players, the coaches, and when you go into a game and you're all on the same page, you know you're going to fight for each other. I was really proud of the guys, Everybody stuck together and it was a great another team win. I was really proud of everyone."

(On being aggressive without turning the ball over)

"I think it's just preparation. Our guys are doing a great job of running their routes, guys upfront doing a great job blocking. It takes everybody to be on the same page for that not to happen and there's always a chance it will. I think the big thing is, if you do throw a pick, you've always got to come back firing. I think it's just really understanding what's going on with the defense, going through the reads, not trying to force the ball and just being smart with it, because turnovers, as you have seen, can be a big determining factor in a game.[I'm] just trying to be smart with the ball."

(On the sequence of big plays to wide receiver Riley Cooper and DeSean Jackson)

"They were playing soft coverage [and] I got the ball to Riley and he made a tremendous play and really showed his speed and athletic ability. It was fun to see him run down like that. Then we had a little play-action pass called and DeSean went right over the top of them and made a great play. It's fun when you have two plays like that in-a-row and you get some points on the board."

(On going downfield with the ball more in the second-half compared to previous games)

"I think when you go through a game you see how a defense plays you. We were throwing a lot of underneath stuff because they play a two-deep shell most of the time. They don't want to get beat deep. I think they started changing-up, started bringing a lot of pressure and we started running and throwing little screens, so it was just what they showing us. [Eagles Head Coach] Chip [Kelly] made a lot of good calls. I have all the confidence in the world in him and [he] put us in a great position [and] the guys did a great job."

(On wanting to be the starter for the rest of the season)

"I don't worry about it. I'm really proud of my team for winning right now. It was a hard fought game and I'm going to enjoy it with my teammates. No matter what happens, I'm going to be the same person. I know who I am and [Eagles quarterback] Mike [Vick] was tremendous tonight. Mike and [Eagles quarterback] Matt [Barkley] they were right there supporting me no matter what. It really helps when you have quarterbacks in the quarterback room with our coach Bill Lazor that will support you no matter what. I'm going to support Mike no matter what and I'm going to support Matt no matter what. It's pretty special."

(On Cooper having a big game today)

"I'm very proud of him. I love Riley to death and thought he played tremendous near his hometown and I'm really proud of him. I really think his character has grown for sure."

(On being 2-0 in Tampa in his career)

"I felt like it was a home game with all the [Eagles fans in attendance]. There was a couple of times the crowd was yelling and I thought it was 'Oh no, what happened?' I looked and it was the green and white jerseys, it was our fans. We had a tremendous amount of support here, we did last year as well. It's pretty fun when you're in an opposing stadium and you have that many fans that come and support you. They helped us tremendously."

(On the touchdown throw to Cooper)

"They gave us a good look, a one-on-one matchup. [The corner] was a little off and Riley's a great athlete, he has a lot of explosion, so I knew that he was going to get past him and I just tried to throw it out there. It was something where they were bringing blitzes, we were running the ball, so they tried to load the box and [I got] a one-on-one matchup against a rookie and he did a great job."

(On his touchdown run)

"It was just something we studied on film and it was something there defense showed and we wanted to take advantage of it. They gave us the same look and the play worked no matter what, so I couldn't tell you a reason. You would have to ask their coaches."

(On being productive in the red zone)

"It's tremendously important to be sharp in the red zone. You really want to get those points, you don't want to come away with field goals. I think the big thing is preparation. You see what they're going to do and you really have to take advantage of it. You've got to be on time, you've got to be sharp with your throws, precision accuracy, and you can't hold to the ball too long, because that's when bad things happen down there, because everything is faster. That all goes to preparation and everybody being on the same page and the line doing a great job blocking and they did. We were able to do great things in the red zone."

WR Riley Cooper

(On the win)

"Yeah, a lot of good storylines, but it was great because we got the win. Coming into Tampa on an away game, getting the W, having a good four-minute situation at the end. We started out with eight minutes, had the ball and we drove it down there. It was well executed, so we should be proud of that."

(On the offense's progression)

"It's big, but like I say, everything is so new. We're still all getting on the same page, all on the same timing. We'll get it going. Everyone's time will come. I didn't really get a lot of looks the first however many games and then today I did. It's just a new system; everyone's getting used to it. It will come around."

(On quarterback Nick Foles' performance)

"He played great. He stepped in for Vick today and played as solid as you can play."

(On not getting the ball that much prior to this game)

"Some guys would get upset for not getting the ball, but I'm not a very selfish person. I just want to win games. Like I keep saying, everyone's time is going to come and today I got a few looks and a couple plays. It's just a new offense."

(On his touchdown)

"It was just a simple go-route and I kind of just ran around him and Nick [Foles] put it right on the money."

RB LeSean McCoy

(On the win)

"It feels great. I think that's how the NFL works, this league works. You put your time in every day, you work hard and the other team does the same, so you're going to win some games, you're to lose some games. It just shows the character of the guys that keep fighting and keep fighting."

(On getting the run game going)

"I felt like the guys worked hard all week. We watched the tape and corrected the errors. I feel like everybody wants us to run the ball for so many yards like the first game. The thing is, the defense gets paid, too. They have heck of players on the other side and when you lead the league, guys want to stop you. We're fine with that. We have tons of playmakers and guys made plays today.  Nick Foles played excellent. He called out the right plays, audible on the right things, leading the ball. I think when you got a good supporting cast around you, it makes it a lot harder and tougher for the defense to adjust."

(On wide receiver Riley Cooper's performance)

"He's the X-factor. I think nobody pays any attention to Riley and the thing is the guys in the locker room know how good he really is. I think he surprised a lot of guys in the league today. But, he didn't surprise us. I think with just the help of him and [Brent] Celek and Zach [Ertz] and [Jason] Avant - they're just guys making plays. Because eventually they're going to break it like they did today. Sure, there's going to be guys that get more carries than other, more touches than others, but just as important."

(On a possible quarterback controversy)

"Come on, we just won a game. If we have two starting quarterbacks, yes, Mike Vick and we have Nick Foles. Mike is the starter, Coach Kelly made that clear, but if he needs Nick to step in and make some plays then he'll do that. He showed that tonight, he's proving that. Mike's the guy we go with, he's the starting quarterback, no matter what the town says or what the outsiders want. It's Coach Kelly's call and that's the call he's made."

WR DeSean Jackson

(On having his first two-touchdown game of his career)

"Definitely had a good game. I felt going into this game that this was going to be a tough one though. For a second week in a row we played a team where both of us didn't have a win, so anytime in a NFL game [that] you have that, teams are going to go out there and do the best they can and fight so hard to get a win. Regardless of my stats, you know I just wanted to help my team win a game. Obviously, we came out there, played together and did some great things. Tip my hat off to Tampa. They went out there they gave it their all, they fought and, you know, it was a tough battle from start to finish, so good game. I'm just happy we came out on top."

(On Tampa Bay cornerback Darrelle Revis)

"Yeah pretty much throughout the whole game he was guarding me. Good matchup, good battle, and, like I said, I felt confident in myself to be able to go out there and make some big plays which was able to happen."

(On his second touchdown)

"Yeah we didn't know if he [Revis] would follow me inside or not. He's more of an outside corner, so I don't think he likes to cover inside with plays like that, so we just took as a mismatch with me and the safeties. That was a great play call by [Head Coach] Chip [Kelly] at the right time. Put us ahead by eight points and then defense was able to come out there and stop their offense. Then we're able to come down the field run the clock and kick a field goal. That was a big part of the game towards the end of the game."

(On his first touchdown)

"Yeah it was in the red zone. Once again great play call. He was playing inside to me a little bit so I had to come inside then step up the field like I was going out then I just came inside.[Nick] Foles made a great throw, caught a touchdown then did my little dance and had a little fun."

(On being able to produce inside the red zone)

"It's great opportunities I'm having. Getting the chance to be able to go out there and make plays in the red zone. I always felt like I can be a threat regardless of where the ball is on the field. I have a coach [Chip Kelly] that believes in me out there and likes to call my number. Second week in a row that I've had a red zone touchdown. Any opportunities I'm able to get to go out there and make plays for my team and help us  win games, that's what we look for."

(On quarterback Nick Foles)

"He really gave us an opportunity to win a football game. I don't really look at Nick [Foles] as a backup. He's played with the ones so much throughout the last season, through our training camp and things like that; he's very familiar with the guys we have in there. He does a great job of really just coming in and giving us an opportunity to win games, but I think he did a great job and he's getting better. We have a big game next week to focus on with the Dallas Cowboys coming into our town, rivalry game so we're excited about that. "

LB DeMeco Ryans

(On defensive stops in the second half)

"It was big for us to come out and finish strong in the second half. Credit to our trainers and the way guys fought. We had a couple long drives but guys finished strong; that was big for us defensively."

(On halftime discussions)

"It's just all about going out and finishing the game strong and that's what we did. Wasn't a lot that needed to be said, everybody knew we had to go out and finish strong. Our guys responded and did that."

(On the play of quarterback Nick Foles)

"He did a great job leading the offense, making some great throws and getting us in the right place. He did a tremendous job."

CB Bradley Fletcher

(On the defensive play in the second half)

"You know, they were able to get a couple drives on us earlier. We regrouped to get some stops and get our offense back on the field."

(On biggest concerns during half time)

"Just getting off the field on third downs. That was one of the main things we talked about during half time and we were able to do that when we got back on the field in the second half."

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