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Tampa Bay Buccaneers

10-19-2003 - Post Game Quotes

LB Derrick Brooks (on the Bucs' struggles against the running game) "Too many missed tackles. We have to give our opponents their credit, they won the ballgame and took advantage of our mistakes."

(on if he was surprised that San Francisco did so well with young players on the offensive line) "We knew we were going to get their best shot. At the same time, it was the little things that were hurting us today: missed tackles, out of our gap fits. We just weren't executing today and it cost us a win."

(on injuries to the Bucs' defense) "You hate to see guys get hurt. Lynch got hurt early and came out, then Howell got hurt and forced John back into the action. We just never seemed to get going. For some reason or another, we weren't making our plays when we had a chance to. It seems like every time we lose, that's the case. When we step up, make our plays and do the little things we're supposed to do, we win. When we don't, we lose."

(on if he thought the Bucs were dominated by the 49ers) "I wouldn't say we got dominated, by no means. I'm going to give our opponents respect and say they won, but I'm not going to say we got dominated."

(on Garrison Hearst and Kevan Barlow having big games) It was just missed tackles, to be honest with you. Both of them are good backs, but we give their whole team credit for beating us. In my opinion, we made them better than what they are by missing tackles. With good backs, if you miss tackles, they're going to gain yards.

(on what the defensive problem was and how the team will get past it) I can't put a finger on it. All I can do as one of the leaders on this football team is put this game behind us very quickly and get ready to face probably one of the better teams in the NFL at this point. That's all I can do at this point.

LB Ryan Nece (on the success of Hearst and Barlow) "They attacked us in some different ways. They gave us some looks that we didn't necessarily prepare for. They're two great running backs and they run hard and we just didn't tackle as we usually do initially. When you don't do that, it allows them to get the yards that they did."

(on the Bucs' tackling problems) "Very uncharacteristic. You've got young guys like myself and you've got to keep continuing to improve on it. The standard is set high here, so you know that's one of the things we have to get right, tackling. It's got to be addressed, it will be addressed, and we've got to get it done next week."

S John Lynch (on where the Bucs go from here) "We're focusing game-to-game now. That's where we've got to go now. We've got to forget about all this stuff like where we are ranked and this and that, and just go back to playing football. We have to execute, believe in what we're doing and stick together as a team."

(on troubles stopping the running game) "We've always said, when someone can run the ball it makes things fairly easy (for them). They start to dictate to you. And that's what they did. They established the run on the first drive and then they started to hit some big plays in the passing game. That's why we always have it at the top of our priority list to stop the run."

49ers QB Jeff Garcia (on the 49ers' offensive success) "The offensive line took the initiative right from the get-go playing as physically as they could possibly play. They really controlled the line of scrimmage. They have to be given so much of the credit, as far as how they played and took control right from the get-go. It's awesome to be able to watch them dominate up front, create holes and create opportunities for our backs to run through."

(on whether the offensive line was the key to the game) "I really think so. When you look at how we played today, that is really how the team has to play every single week. That is the type of mentality that we have to have. That is how we have to play, as far as on a physical level. We could see how that attitude throughout the game opened up opportunities to make throws down the field. To give us a chance to make bigger plays. That was all dictated up front and I think that is what this team is all about. Hopefully, we found some chemistry, in the sense of, what type of identity this team has to take the remainder of the season."

(on throwing to Terrell Owens repeatedly) "I was definitely looking at him when we had one-on-one opportunities. Obviously, because the way we were running the football, they had to bring eight defenders into the box. They were bringing the safety up into the box oftentimes, which opened up opportunities on the outside with one-on-one situations. Even though we didn't hit on every single one, it created a certain mentality. It creates a situation where those guys are going to know that they will be given opportunities. Now, we just need to follow through and make the play."

(more on the offensive line) "Kwame (Harris) and Kyle (Kosier) did an outstanding job on that left side. They really played with a lot of heart and passion, in the sense of getting after it. Plain and simple. They just got after it today. They really showed dominance up front, which is something we haven't show up to this point all season long."

(on the victory being a team effort) "Hopefully, it is a new beginning for this team because we've struggled at times throughout this year. We've suffered some really difficult losses. But, the way this team played as a team today; offensively, defensively and on special teams, it was really a full team effort in so many ways."

49ers DE Chidi Ahanotu (on beating the World Champs) "It was very satisfying to beat the World Champs. Hopefully, it is a springboard for things yet to come. We picked it up to another level. We know where we need to be and how we need to play to stay here."

(on the 49ers approach to facing Tampa) "Run it right down their throats. Keep pounding it at them. They want to look pretty. They want to dance and do their thing out there. If we kept running at them, they weren't able to pass-rush. They weren't able to do their thing. We were able to take them out of their own momentum and psyche."

(on the 49ers' running game) "We have the kind of team that can run the ball strong. That is our strong suit. We have the guys to do it."

(on realizing the 49ers' identity) "This team needed an identity and today, this is our identity. Pound it down their throat, play good defense and make good catches. This is our identity."

49ers LB Derek Smith (on the win) "I hope we can build up on it and put on the same performance. I hope we can get the momentum rolling and get this thing going. All day we were breaking on the ball fast and getting pressure from our defensive line. We weren't running any blitzes or presses at all. The coverage was really tight on the guys making it tough for the quarterback to get the ball to the receivers, but it all started up front with the D-line."

49ers G Ron Stone (on the offensive line's performance) "We showed that if you put a lot on our shoulders we are willing to take that. They trusted us in running the ball and we proved them right today."

49ers RB Kevan Barlow (on the win over the Buccaneers) "It was huge for us. We are walking on cloud nine right now. Everybody is excited about the win and it is just good to get the win against the defending champions. That is definitely a confidence builder for us."

49ers T Scott Gragg (on the win over Tampa) "It is definitely an awesome feeling, especially with our poor outing against them last year. You feel like if things had gone a little different, we would have been able to do some of the things then as we did today."

49ers LB Julian Peterson (on the victory) "We've been up and down the past couple of weeks, but today, this was a big win for our program."

(on the 49ers' team speed) "We were a bit banged up, so they didn't get the full effect. But, I'm sure they weren't surprised by our speed, by any means."

(on the 49ers' interceptions) "It helps a lot and it takes the pressure off of the offense. They don't have to move the ball 75 to 80 yards every time they get the ball. If we can shorten the field for them, it takes the pressure off the coaches and the entire offense."

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