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Tampa Bay Buccaneers

11-15-2009 - Post Game Quotes

Head Coach Raheem Morris

(On the game overall) Tough game for our football team, those guys came to play. This loss is solely on me. End of the half, a personal foul on the head coach is unacceptable. I'm taking those points, that's on me, I should be given all the blame for that. That was a discipline issue on my part and I didn't do the right thing. That's a great lesson for me as a young coach and for my team. Those guys played their hearts out and they deserve a lot of credit for that. Those guys get paychecks, the Miami Dolphins, and you have to give them credit as well. [Chad] Henne and his receiving crew at the end of the game did a great job to finish the game out, and we didn't.

(On what he said to get that penalty) I used the wrong type of language to the official. I'm completely guilty, my fault. I didn.t see it the same way, but the official makes the calls, not me.

(On what the explanation was) I didn't get one; I didn't really want to hear it at that point. It didn't matter what his explanation was, I really didn't care. I mean, I thought it was the wrong call and he disagreed. He's the official.

(On the defense) got to finish off games and it's my job to get the right people out there on the field and we've got to do that. I'm sure there's going to be some man who looks himself in the mirror and feels like they lost this game, but at the end of the day, I lost this game at halftime. Those guys played their hearts out. Quincy Black's interception, we had a bunch of big stops facing Ricky Williams and Ronnie Brown and those guys stood up. What we did was play hard today and the Dolphins bounced back from that first half which was miserable; Josh Freeman got his composure back, making some great adjustments at halftime to get him going. We've just got to start games off faster and better, and it's a great learning experience for my team, myself, and everyone in the organization.

(On what went wrong) They went 85 yards in whatever time was left, again put it on myself, my staff, we didn't make plays to stop. It's a group effort. We all go out, we all practice, we all play together, and I'm not in the business of pointing fingers. I'm in the business of standing up and taking what I did wrong and then evaluating so I can come back and be a better coach tomorrow.

(On the great job by kicker Connor Barth) That was the glowing positive of today that just shows the importance of a kicker. That game was not pretty as far as offense in the first half, we had to make three 50-yard field goals to really keep us in the football game and to give our quarterback and chance to come back and really gather himself. For him to come back and lead us to a potential go-ahead winning drive, two of them actually, and then we weren't able to maintain it on defense in the end.

(On how Josh Freeman played) First half was disastrous, you know, he did everything you could do wrong, fumbled snaps to just everything. Miscommunication, and working mistakes but that's part of the patience we talked about having for him, but to bounce back in the second half, like he did in the fourth quarter, those kind of quarterbacks we look for and stand behind, and the team stands behind. When he got the ball with some clock left, the whole sideline felt like he could do it, and he did.

(On what hell think this close loss will do to the young team) That's my job. It.s going to bring them together. These losses right here are the ones that break apart teams that are not together, or don't have great leadership. I'm a leader right now and I'm going to go lead this team to stay together. That's my job; we're going to get them together because we got to get ready to play our division these next couple of weeks. The only way we're ever going to get better in this league is when we have a chance to play teams in our division and that's what we got to prepare ourselves to do in these next couple of weeks.

(On the Kellen Winslow penalty) I wasn't going to ask, that penalty was going to stick so I had to worry about my kickoff team and what they were going to do with those negative yards. We got them to bobble the ball around and need to go 75 yards so we overcame that penalty. Again it was my penalty, the one that hurt.

(On how the run defense played) Realistically it was good enough to win the football game. This is a great running football team, talking about two great running backs in Ricky Williams and Ronnie Brown, and they did a great job. Except for that one Wildcat play which was a missed tackle, and late in the game which was all-or-nothing defense, that's a pretty respectable day as far as our holding down two really good running backs to two or three-yard gains and minimal gains. They had two longs ones which came in situations where one was a Wildcat and one was at the end of the game; I don't know if we can really complain about what happened there. We played well enough to win on defense, we just got to cap it off at the end.

CB Ronde Barber

(On whether he thinks the Buccaneers have a quarterback) Absolutely we have a quarterback. Absolutely.

(On the Dolphins' last drive in the fourth quarter) "Got a penalty, made a great catch. Got a field goal. Somebody was out of the gap on the last play but whatever. It's one play. Somebody's got to make a play. We did not. And that is the name of the game for our 2009 season. (On the Dolphins' Wildcat offense) They used it once. They had one long run. Actually, we thought we would see it more. We prepared for it. You don't get a lot of it. It is what it is. They're dangerous with it.

(On where the Buccaneers go from here) We get playing. We have seven more games. We just have to keep digging.

DE Tim Crowder

(On the fourth quarter going back and forth) It was a hard-fought game. They made more of the plays than we made to win the game. That's the bottom line. That's the only thing that matters they made more plays when it mattered.

(On if anything changed going into the fourth quarter or after the half) Nothing really changed. We kept the same game plan. We did a good job on them all day. When it counted, they made more plays then we did.

(On the Dolphins' offensive line) From a tackle standpoint they have some really good offensive tackles. I don.t know about the inside. I just had a constant battle with those guys all day. It was a great battle and I was just trying to rush and do they best job I can to get there.

(On the Dolphins using Pat White and the Wildcat offense) We look at the Wildcat you know they will run the ball. We knew it was coming and we knew they were going to try to run the ball down our throat.

C Jeff Faine

(On if he thinks QB Josh Freeman is progressing) Yes. I saw a lot out of him today. I think as the game went on he got better. Obviously last week was his first start and we still have to deal with the fact that he is a young guy. But you could tell once he got settled in a comfortable he was on. I saw good things in the touchdown pass he threw on the first play of the fourth quarter and just managing the game after the interception by Quincy (Black) to control the field. We really drove the field on that touchdown drive from our own 10. It was a drive. I think he showed a lot of his composure and character and I keep looking to see bigger and bigger things from him.

QB Josh Freeman

(On the game and coming back in the fourth quarter) As an offense we started extremely slow. There were a lot of situations where it was me fumbling or dropping the snap, there were just a lot of things that we could have cleaned up and could have led to more points in the first half. Miami has good players too and they get paid to do what we do. They were able to make enough plays and get down to kick the game winner.

(On the mishandling of snaps early) On the first one the crowd was kind of loud and the defense shifted with our motion and they yelled shift set and (Jeff) Faine thought I said hut. He snapped it before I even started the second half of my cadence. We cleaned it up and started making the cadence a little later in the progression of the plays so that was fine. On the shotgun one, I just dropped it.

(On if he felt like he grew in this game) Not really. I feel like we made those plays and they are what they are. I wouldn't say it was really any kind of growth from the first half to the second half. It was just moving on.

(On the Dolphins' defense) They did a good job but our guys also did a good job. In the first half I think I cost us a sack or two because I wasn't quite stepping up like I needed to. I didn't really have at the sense of urgency and a couple of guys pointed it out to me. Coach (Greg) Olson pointed it out to me and I made the correction in the second half and I was able to step up and get it out. I think our guys held their own against them.

(On his team feeling confident that he was going to lead them to the win) I feel pretty miserable right now because of the loss. You hate to lose and that.s the only thing on my mind. People can say I played well but it wasn't good enough to win. I'm the starting quarterback and the way that I look at it is when I'm on the field you've got to do it. I want to win just like anybody else and if you think any other way then not going to win.

LB Barrett Ruud

(On Ricky Williams run on the last drive) It was a bent play and we ran a jam front. I have to look at that one. When you are a 4-3 defense somebody was not in their gap. I will have to look at that one.

(On the fourth quarter going back and forth) We did a lot of good things to get us back into it. Our offense and defense made some good plays down the stretch. Defensively, when you get a chance to finish a team off on a two-minute drill you have to do that. You have to relish those opportunities. We didn't get it done. Credit Miami for making the plays down the stretch.

(On the Dolphins using the Wildcat offense and Pat White at QB) Well it's just one of those things that during the week you have to prepare for a lot. They run the Wildcat better than anyone else does. We did a pretty good job with it besides that one play in the game. After that we did a pretty good job containing it.

(On Chad Henne) He did a good job. He didn't make a whole lot of mistakes. He made that one down the stretch. We capitalized on it, but at the end of the game we didn't finish them off and at the end of the game he drove them down the field and got a win for them.

(On the last drive in the fourth quarter) It's frustrating. They didn't do anything that was that was not guardable or spectacular. It was more about us needing to be better and we will be.

RB Carnell Williams

(On how disappointing this loss was) Very disappointing. You know to come this close to tasting victory and everything just goes sourit's tough. But we fought hard. You have to take your hat off to Miami. That.s what good teams do. They make plays when plays need to be made.

(On if he thought they had the game won on the last drive) Oh no. That's how football is. A play here and a play there and that's the difference.

(On what it was like playing against Ronnie Brown) It is a competition. No doubt. Everything we do is a competition. Just to see him on the other sideline, both of us doing what we do, living out our dreams playing together. We're best of friends and it's fun to come out and compete and after the game laugh about it. It's a blessing.

TE Kellen Winslow

(On how he thinks the team is after this loss) I think we're fine. That was a tough stretch and it just didn't work out for us today for whatever reason.

(On his rhythm with QB Josh Freeman) I think we're getting there. It just takes time. He's only been back there for two, three weeks. It's going to take a while to get the whole team on the same page, coaches as well. But we're headed in the right direction.

(On if he feels like the call before halftime was costly) I.m sure it's not coach's fault at all. I'm sure the officials will look at it and I'll be watching NFL Network and hopefully they'll talk about it so I can understand it. That call on (Michael) Clayton, I just didn't see it. I don't understand it, but that could have been the difference in the game.

(On what it was like to play in Miami where he went to college) It was great. The fans were very supportive. It was a great atmosphere, awesome atmosphere. It felt like home. I had a lot of fun.


Head Coach Tony Sparano

(on the last two minutes of the game) "My thoughts are that it's another one of these things that I haven't been into in a while. Guys kept fighting, kept grinding. We knew that there was enough time to go and win the football game. That third down there where they had plenty of time and some time outs, I thought we had a good play. We tried to be aggressive and win the football game. Ended up making a poor decision. He gave up a score and the kid [Chad Henne, QB] came back and I thought he did a hell of a job in the final drive. It was just up and down, up and down. But those are the things that we're talking about. We won a football game here today but you can't ignore the signs. We've got to finish these games in four quarters. We didn't do it really on either side of the football. We had nineteen once, I think at halftime. We just didn't sustain anything. We'd get a drive going, put the ball on the ground, and turned the ball over a couple of times. I thought we got to him [Josh Freeman, Tampa Bay Buccaneers QB] early in the game and as the game went on, he made some plays. Got out of the pocket. Learned about what he was able to do during the course of the week and that's what he did."

(on the importance of pulling out the game in the final minute) "It's critical. We talked last night as a team about this being a must win for us. We felt strongly that with two games and six days we had a chance to dig ourselves out of something that we put ourselves into. I thought we came out early in the game and played well. We just didn't convert touchdowns. We made field goals - thank God we did, [Dan] Carpenter [K] did a nice job - but we need to convert touchdowns down there. Every time it was a play, it was a play, so we can't do that. We had a few minus plays today in that situation. It was pretty important, obviously important, to come out of here with a win. What's interesting is that our two-minute drill this week was kind of one of those situations that we just had out there today. Executed it well in practice, executed well here."

(on going for it at the end of the first half) "No, I didn't think of going for it. I mean, I thought in that situation, too many bad things could happen with the clock and getting tackled in bounds, any of those scenarios, so I didn't think about going there. I felt like we did the right thing in that situation."

(on the injury to RB Ronnie Brown) "Ronnie's an ankle and I don't know [the prognosis]."

(on the play of the defense late in the game) "Again, that's what we're talking about. You can't ignore the signs. Now, at the beginning of that game, the first half of that game, I felt we played really well defensively. They [Tampa Bay] started to get the ball, get [Kellen] Winslow [TE] involved a little bit there, made some plays in man coverage a couple times, butI just think, looking at the game and without watching the film I really can't give you a complete answer, but pressure on the passer, making him uncomfortable in the first half and maybe him getting a little more comfortable in the second half had something to do with that. But they also ran the ball a little bit in the second half and those were a couple of situations. We had a few deals where a ball was on the ground and we didn't get on it and I think that could have changed some things too."

(on the decision to sit LB Joey Porter) "I can tell you that it was a coach's decision just like it was written. He'll return tomorrow. It was a coach's decision."

(on the play of the players who filled in for Porter) "Charlie Anderson [LB] did a hell of a job, I thought. He went in there, made a couple of nice plays, had six or seven tackles I believe, some tackles behind the line of scrimmage, did some good things. He and Cameron [Wake, LB] rotated in and out of there, felt Cameron a little bit out there. We'll have to watch the film to see exactly how they played but they did a good job. We've been kind of getting that all year long, like now, where some guys have been hurt and some guys have stepped up. No different [than with] Reggie Torbor [LB] and that group of people. I mean Kory Sperry [TE] did a heck of a job today stepping up. Guy comes in there for [Anthony] Fasano [TE], makes a couple of big plays."

(on the last drive of the game) "We were on it, just beforekind of right on the fringe, we thought just before the Ricky [Williams, RB] run in that situation. We felt like one more play, run the football down there, try to get a little bit closer is what [John] Bonamego [Special Teams Coordinator] discussed on the headset. Ricky ended up coming out of there in pretty good shape."

(on if he said anything to K Dan Carpenter prior to the game-winning field goal) "Just make it. I try not to screw around with those guys too much."

(on the irony of facing off against Tampa Bay K Connor Barth) "You know, we had him [in training camp] and he did a heck of a job for us when we had him, he really did. But, to see a guy that you had out there knocking them through the way he was knocking them through todayit was pretty impressive."

(on the coach's decision regarding LB Joey Porter) "Anything I do I keep in house. To me, what goes in our family, in that locker room, stays in that locker room. Somebody else wants to put it out there, let them put it out there, but they ain't getting it from me."

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