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Tampa Bay Buccaneers

11-19-2006 - Post Game Quotes

Head Coach Jon Gruden

(On the overall game) "I would just like to say I am really proud of our players. It was a short week. We played hard and we rallied; found a way to win a football game. Obviously, there are a lot of areas we'd like to improve upon, but the effort and the victory itself are something that we are proud of."

(On the injuries to Juran Bolden and Alex Smith) "We lost Alex Smith. We're calling that a high ankle sprain. I can only give you the severity of that injury in the next couple of days, but obviously we played three quarters without him and we're concerned about him. I really don't know what [Juran] Bolden had done. He was involved in a pile and he was taken to the locker room for x-rays. Given the game, the way it was I did not get any further information yet."

(On the younger players) "Every snap they play, they're going to get better. You may not want to see all of those snaps, but every snap they play they are going to get better. I don't believe we gave up a sack today. I thought we picked up a double corner blitz. They brought an all out blitz in a 10-10 game. We picked that up. Davin Joseph and [Jeremy] Trueblood, and these young offensive linemen, our rookie quarterback; I am really proud of them. I really don't know some of the guys very well on defense that we're playing right now; Jovan Haye; Jon Bradley I do know. But these guys were giving us everything they had. We beat a good football team; I don't really care what their record was."

(On being committed to the run game) "You'd be committed to plays that work too. I saw Carolina today. I don't think the Rams did much running the ball. It is hard to run the ball against certain teams that are just as committed to stopping the run as you are to run it. Philosophically, if we quit paying our wide receivers and just want to say we are never going to throw it, that's one thing, but we were able to make some plays in the running game. We were able to make some plays in the passing game once we started catching the ball. A little bit early it was ridiculous. We did have some balance today and that's a credit to Bill Muir and the game plan he had."

(On Carnell "Cadillac" Williams being frustrated) "I kind of talked to Cadillac about his frustrations. You are not the lone ranger in frustration. You are not the only guy frustrated, but he's a great back and we hope he is on schedule to get another 1,000 yard year. Right now, I think he is one of the few guys we have that defenses are keying on a little bit and it is not as easy as maybe you'd think it is. He's just got to be mentally tough and understand that two and three yards is a gain. It keeps us in normal situations and if we can stay in the football game and ultimately get a lead like we got today you're going to see a lot more carries."

CB Ronde Barber

(On the defense) "We definitely wanted to put some pressure on [Jason Campbell]. He has the talent. He has a big arm, but he's young. We tried to give him as many looks as we could. We gave him a lot of pressure. Dewayne [White] and those guys up front helped us out a lot with the pressure they created in the first half."

(On his sack) "I got half-a-sack, I think. Greg [Spires] got the other half. The theme of the day, really for us, [was], just put some pressure on the kid, whether it was through our blitzes or four man fronts. He played well. I'll give him some credit, especially in the second half of the game. It seemed like he got it together a little bit, had a little more control of the offense and moved around a little bit."

(On the win) "A win at this point, especially with what we have going, last game and the game coming up. It feels good. [In the] second half of the season we're 1-1. We are just trying to build from here, trying to get into the big picture of the season."

(On playing on Thanksgiving) "It's a challenge, but teams have been doing it for years. This is our first experience with it. I think Jon [Gruden] will be smart with the schedule this coming week. We travel on Wednesday, so one good day of practice and we'll be ready for Dallas."

TE Anthony Becht

(On the game) "It was a good win for us. We fought hard. We got 'Cadillac' going today which was important. We made some key receptions and we controlled the clock, which I thought was huge. I think we had a big discrepancy in the time of possession and yards in the first half. Besides the two turnovers, I thought we played a really good game and it was a complete team effort today."

(On his touchdown) "I ran it kind of like a slant to control some inside guys coming in, and [Bruce Gradkowski] has to pick either side, [Michael] Clayton, or [Joey] Galloway. He threw it towards Galloway and I turned around. The ball deflected in the air, kind of like slow motion. I'm just glad no defenders were there to bump me, or knock it out. It was pretty sweet."

(On TE Alex Smith's injury) "I think we are fine. We have Doug [Jolley], we signed him. Obviously, the situation could occur when you have two guys and somebody might be hurt. I tell you what, I tip my hat to Dave Moore who did a great job today. He came in, made some huge blocks and he was mostly in there when we were running the ball the way we wanted to. That's definitely a credit to him and shaking off some of the dust."

CB Juran Bolden

(On how the injury occurred) "Yeah someone rolled from behind. I was doing a running play. That happens. It's part of the game. Just try to get hack from it real quick."

(On getting treatment for his injury) "I was trying to get updated every minute. I was back in the training hall. They did a great job and I was happy for them."

WR Michael Clayton

(On Anthony Becht's touchdown catch) "Finally, [things are] going our way. It's going to happen. The best teams in this league have to win like that sometimes. But as long as we make the plays, sometimes the ball bounces in the other court. This time it was in our favor and we'll take it any way that we can get it. It was real big for this football team to come out with a victory today."

(On gaining confidence early) "It's always good to get points on the board as early as possible. The statistics show that the first team that scores, wins. And that's one point that we've made this year to start fast and we haven't been able to start fast. And to go down and get things going really gives us the momentum, really puts what happened in the past behind us. To let us know that we can go out here, move the ball, and keep the chains moving and get some things settled down for Bruce [Gradkowski] to come in and make some plays."

T Anthony Davis

(On the team's motivation for this game) "In practice we said we were not going to take it anymore. You know, we're often so close, so close. Our record is 3-7 right now, but you know and I know that we can have that flipped easily. You know, but we were not taking it anymore. We just had to cross the T's and dot the I's and that's what we did."

QB Bruce Gradkowski

(On what it was like to open the game with the dropped passes) "It was tough, anytime you are trying to get momentum early in the game and we had a couple key drops. But I knew those guys were going to make plays later on in the day, Mike Alstott and Alex Smith, you don't worry about those guys, they don't do that too often, so I just had to be like 'hey shake it off, we'll get them next time, it's alright.'"

(On how much getting the running game established helped make his day easier) "It was very key. The line did a great job today, they were firing off the football, Cadillac [Williams] was running hard, you saw Mike Alstott carrying the ball and they did a great job today. It's a lot easier on me, you know the defense is on their heels. You saw Sean Taylor was 20 yards deep worrying about [Joey] Galloway, so they did a great job up front and that's why we won the game. We established the run."

(On the touchdown pass to Joey Galloway in the fourth quarter) "We had two plays in one and they gave me the all out blitz and I went to the other play and Galloway did a great job on winning and he was open. I had to hit him this time."

(On how he felt he played) "I thought it went great. I did some things today that you know I'm proud of myself, I made some key checks just in the running game. Just noticing and recognizing that stuff, it makes me feel better and helps me realize that I took a step today and it feels good and we got the win with it. So it feels good and I'm excited to go to Dallas for Thanksgiving."

(On Jason Campbell) "I watched him a couple of times. I really didn't key on him too much. I was worried about on what we were going to do next and things like that. I'm not sure how he played. He didn't look too bad out there and I'm sure he'll get better. This is his second year, so he has been around awhile."

(On the importance of finding a balance between the run and the pass) "Any time you can establish the running game it's key. If you can run the football you're going to win a lot of games and today we showed that. The offensive line did a great job. You should have seen their attitudes out on the field. Cadillac was fired up, Mike Alstott had some big runs early in the game, so doing that gets me pumped up. If I'm making good throws and the right decisions, the tempo was there and we were moving the ball well and kept rolling."

(On his feelings after throwing the interception going into the half) "We put a great drive together and we were down there ready to get some points on the board. Any time you're that close to the end zone, the lanes are very tight. Joey was running a slant and I just reacted and threw it, the corner made a great play. He [Shawn Springs] even said after 'come on you can't do that, you know I've been in this league a long time.' So that is one thing he understands, Springs made a great play on that and he's been around for a while and he sees that against their all out blitz that he might be running a slant, so he made a great play. It was tough in that situation because we wanted to put points on the board but we responded very well in the second half."

(On being able to play on Thanksgiving against the Cowboys) "I'm excited. Thanksgiving Day, you just picture sitting at home at grandma's eating turkey, just relaxing and watching the football games on TV. As you get older, it's going to be a great experience, national television game and I get to play in front of a lot of fans. I'm looking forward to it and it's going to be an exciting day."

S Jermaine Phillips

(On getting the win today) "It feels great. Nobody except the 53 guys in here know what we go through day-in, day-out. Nobody's giving up. Everybody's stayed together. For us to come out here and get a victory, it's like a little sigh of relief. It's like maybe things are finally turning our way."

(On the forced fumble) "It was just an opportunity to make a play. They always say we need turnovers. It was a screen play to [Ladell] Betts. [Derrick] Brooks took on two linemen. Juran [Bolden] was outside. So when the back cut back, I was like, this is my opportunity, so I just shot my gun and dislodged the ball. It was a great feeling."

(On the positive attitude in the locker room) "It's good. When you win a game, the aches and the pains, they're just not there as much. When you lose, you feel everything. I don't know if it's mental or what. To win a game, it's just great. That's what we need here."

RB Cadillac Williams

(On the game) "First off, it was just a great win. The guys up front really controlled the line of scrimmage. The offensive line played great. I think we played good as a team. We got a lot done on offense. Bruce [Gradkowski] stepped up and made a lot of plays. The receivers made plays. It was a total team effort today."

(On the Buccaneers running game) "Just from watching film, we knew that we were going to be able to attack them with the running game. So in the second half, we wanted to come out and establish the run. Like I said, the guys up front, they wanted to run the ball and you know me, of course, I want the ball. So it was just a good job by those guys, controlling the line of scrimmage."

(On being able to run the ball with the lead, late in the game) "It was great. Anytime we are in that four-minute situation, where we are up on a team and it's the fourth quarter, we have to grind it out. I definitely want the Buccaneers to call my number because, as a back, I just know they have to run me, because when you continue to run me, they are going to get tired and I'm going to make a play."


Head Coach Joe Gibbs

(Opening statement) "I think we have certain principles that we know that we win by when we abide by those, we're going to win football games. Right now, we're not getting that done. We have certain principles. We have to run, we have to stop the run. That starts with all of us. We have to play great on [special] teams. Tampa Bay, I have great respect for them. I think they did a great job of coaching. I think on defense they did a fantastic job. We have to give them all of the credit; today we just couldn't get the job done. I think for us, basically, we have certain things that we have to abide by and certain principles. When we get back to those, we will start winning football games. When we violate certain principles, we're not going to be able to win games. So, that's kind of the way I see it."

(On if these principles have been violated all year long) "I was thinking right now about this game. In particular, that's what I am focused on, is this one game. We have people that did a real good job of running the football on us. We didn't do a good job rushing the football. So, as a consequence, you are going to lose football games; you can't do it."

(On Jason Campbell's performance) "I thought Jason did some real good things. Obviously, [for] his first go around [it] is a tough place for him to start, I mentioned that. It is a defense that I have a great respect for, like I said, a tough place to go. You go away from home and you're in front of an excellent football crowd and you have to play against a real good defense. I thought he did some real good things. I am sure he will look at it, we'll all look at it. There will be some things that he could have improved on. I thought it was a good first outing for him. I thought he was well-prepared; I thought he handled things well. Everything, including the two-minute drive there at the end of the ball game. I felt like Jason did a good job at his first outing. I wish we could have found a way to win it for him, but there just wasn't something there to get it done today."

(On the defense) "Certainly, I'm speaking mostly about this game. I think any time that you can't get the other team off the field, that's a tough assignment when you don't get a lot of plays on offense. At the same time, offensively, when you do get a chance, you have to take it and keep it. I think our bottom line was, if we don't rush it, we don't convert first downs on offense, then you're not going to keep the ball; they're keeping it. So, it kind of kills you both ways. I think that's kind of the way I see it. We're all together; offense, defense, special teams, myself included, like I said. We all win together, we lose together. Today, Tampa Bay just did a better job than we did."

(On the team's momentum during the game) "I think it's kind of hard to say what point momentum swings and things like that. You just have to make plays. I felt like our guys put a special emphasis in starting fast in the third quarter. I was really pleased to see us get down the field and score a touchdown; that was a heck of an effort for us. Then they did a great job, came right back and scored. Anytime you turn the ball over, it is going to be tough on ourselves. We got a couple today, which we had not been getting. I thought that might be a key for us, if we could get a couple of turnovers. In that case, we gave one back."

(On T.J. Duckett) "I thought T.J. for the number of plays he got, he didn't get a lot of opportunities, but that will probably happen for him down the stretch here. I thought he did a good job today when he had the opportunity."

(On this game being the springboard for the season) "I thought anywhere in here, if we could just get ourselves going. I think it's still true; you don't know what's going to happen. It's topsy-turvy, everyone is evenly matched, is the way I see it. People are going to knock each other off. I hope it is going back home for three games. We have to find a way to get ourselves jump started again and get back to Redskin football. That didn't happen today."

QB Jason Campbell

(On how he played) "I feel like I did some good things. But, I also feel I wish I could have a couple throws back. They possibly were the keys to the game and keeping us in it, keeping us ahead of them. But you know that's part of the learning process. You've got your team to keep your head up high, your team to keep working, and let the guys around you understand that whatever it takes for us to get out of the hole and get on a winning streak that's going to do it."

(On what could have been done for them to win the game) "I feel that Tampa did a good job on offense of keeping the ball from us. They ran the ball a lot and maintained [that] for most of the game. That kept us from getting a lot of plays in, them maintaining the ball a lot. Overall, I feel like the whole team did a good job, they fought hard. The guys told me they were going to support me no matter what and they did that today. And I just take my hat off to the whole team. It's a tough loss."

(On if he felt in command in the huddle) "Yeah, you know I feel good, I feel comfortable. The guys around me feel real comfortable and we were excited about playing good today. And I just wish we had an opportunity to have some more plays to capitalize [on]."

TE Chris Cooley

(On Jason Campbell) "I thought Jason did a great job protecting the ball; I think he made some good throws."

(On if Jason Campbell is comfortable in the pocket and in the huddle) "Yeah, I think so. I think he was comfortable in the huddle. He knows the guys; he's been around. He'll grow more and more confident getting the plays in and the tempo of the game. But I think he's pretty comfortable in there."

(On the touchdown pass and catch) "I was supposed to run the back corner of the end zone. We went into a jumbo personnel with three tight ends and they didn't switch, they left the regular coverage in, so they had a bunch of guys back. I just tried to find a hole. I ended up coming back and giving Jason a chance to throw the ball. I feel like I do really well. I try to find holes in spaces. So, it's good to get a chance to do that."

(On catching Campbell's first touchdown pass) "I guess they'll let him have the ball this time. Yeah, it was good. Hopefully, we'll look back on that and have a lot more."

(On the offense) "I think we need to try to find a way to stay on the field. We didn't have hardly any plays in the first half; they rushed for 100 yards in the first half. So, we're going to have to find a way to make more plays. We do a good job with the plays we have, we just don't have enough plays."

RB T.J. Duckett

(On the game) "It felt good to get out and run around a little bit, but the end result wasn't what we all wanted. We wanted to come out with a win. That's the bottom line regardless of how many carries a person has."

(On establishing the run) "We definitely wanted to establish the run and help him (Jason Campbell) out a little bit. We were hot and cold. We weren't consistent with it and we just have to find a way to get that on track early. That way, he can get more comfortable and do what he has to do."

(On his comfort level with the offense) "Everyday I am learning a lot. Everyday I am getting more and more comfortable. You have to go out and you have to play. You have to keep doing it on the field. We just have to find it. We have all the talent in the world here, we just have to find it. We work hard in practice, we work hard throughout the week and we just have to find it."

CB Shawn Springs

(On his performance today) "That's what happens in football. Momentum is going to change. You're going to make some plays. They're going to make some plays and things happen. We just fell short today."

(On why they couldn't stop the run) "They did a good job. They lined up in tank personnel and they were able to bust a couple of runs on us."

(On Jason Campbell's performance) "I thought Jason looked good today. I thought Jason played good enough for us to win today. I thought Jason for his first start was unbelievable."

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