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Tampa Bay Buccaneers

What the Bucs Are Saying: September 5

Read key quotes and watch today's press conferences following coach and player media availability.


(On how the team feels heading into a regular season week of practice)

"We feel pretty good right now. We're just getting wet as far as the game plan is concerned but everybody's in, everybody's running around. So, we can prepare for tomorrow and get ready for that."

(On WR Chris Godwin practicing without a knee brace)

"Well, we're in spiders. It's a plus to always see him without a brace, running around, which means his confidence has grown."

(On the health status of the roster)

"Everybody's trending toward playing Sunday night."

(On if the team has voted for its captains)

"Yes, we did it. It will be Mike Evans, Tom Brady, Lavonte David, Devin White and Vita Vea. We'll hold one at a later date for special teams."

(On the process of choosing captains)

"Well, the players vote on it, so that's a plus and that's a feather in those guys' cap. To have the respect of the players is more important than anything else. When your peers vote on you being a captain, it means a lot for them."

(On NT Vita Vea being chosen as a captain for the first time)

"Vita got a lot of votes. He prepared very well, he had a good offseason, he came back in shape, he shed some weight. He's been leading the film room charges and he's become a leader on this team. I think that speaks a lot about him."

(On if rookie TE Cade Otton can contribute significantly to the offense)

"Depending on the game plan – we will see what we have to use with the tight ends, but I think all of them can contribute and will contribute. We'll just go by game plan and see who fits what and there will be some playing more each game here and there depending on what we do."

(On what has impressed him about Otton)

"Really his work ethic, and nothing has been too big for him, whether it's special teams, blocking or catching the ball. As far as studying his playbook, he's been on point."

(On what he has seen from WR Julio Jones)

"Well, he can play. When we got him, he was kind of out of shape so we kind of limited his number of plays during practice. He's kind of gotten to the point where he's returned to his old self. He's been great mentally, he's been great for the guys in the room as well as out on the practice field, DBs alike. Right now, he can play. We have a bunch of receivers that can play so the pitch count should be kind of even depending on who we play and how we play it. We think he can lend a lot for us – we've just got to knock on wood and keep him healthy."

(On if Jones' career accomplishments bring an added element to the locker room)

"It can. It can add a lot of respect to the huddle because of what he's done. Obviously, you've got to go off what he's doing lately and what he's got to do, but it adds a lot to it."

(On if they are taking a different approach to keeping Jones healthy)

"I don't know if we're doing anything different, but he's been fairly healthy when he came to us, so we haven't had to do that. But we've taken our own measures as far as when he practices and when he doesn't and try to monitor all the things that he's doing to see how he feels."

(On how long Jones can continue to play)

"That's a good question. I think Tom [Brady] has set the bar high."

(On LB Kenny Young being signed to the practice squad) 

"He's a good football player. He's played some games in this league, quite a few. He's started quite a few. We want to get him acclimated. He can run. He's a run-and-hit guy and he has some tools that can help us in our scheme. So, we'll try to get him acclimated and get him up to speed and see what he can do for us."

(On who will start at the second cornerback spot opposite Carlton Davis III)

"[Jamel] Dean will start on that side."

(On Dean developing into a starter)

"He's made great improvements since he got here, and he studies. He comes back in shape. It was a tough battle because Sean [Murphy-Bunting] had a heck of a camp, he really did. Dean had just a notch better and they both will play a lot."

(On if QB Tom Brady is still "all-in" for this season)

"He's been all-in since we got him. He's all-in now. I don't follow the off-the-field stuff. I listen to XM The Groove and Soul Town. My off-the-field activities are honestly not even football-related."

(On if he always listens to those satellite radio stations)

"For me? It twirls round between Rock the Bells and XM Fly and a couple things like that – for me."

(On if he chose the music for practice)

"No, Donovan [Smith] and the guys, they choose the music during the week. They choose every number of the songs. The coaches we just ask for one day just to play one old-school song and take us back and then we'll be fine."

(On if rookie Luke Goedeke is going to start at left guard)

"Yes, he is."


(On the additions of Akiem Hicks, Logan Hall and Deadrin Senat to the defensive line)

"When this group first got together and we started assimilating talent-wise we thought [it] really had upgraded, but after being with them and working with them as a whole, talent-wise, it might be the best group we've had. When you bring Logan [Hall] in, he was kind of something that we didn't have with the explosion. You bring in Akiem Hicks – and we kind of play power-ball, big-boy ball and he fits that mold there, so I think these guys really complement each other well. When you sit and start talking about personnel, getting down to your numbers or whatever, it became tough when you look at [Deadrin] Senat and some of the other guys we had – we felt like some of the guys we were releasing and hoping to get back on the practice squad could play in games for us and that's a good problem to have."

(On trying to stop NT Vita Vea and DL Akiem Hicks)

"Those guys are very interesting because of their size and the power-thing. The thing is, we just have to keep harking on them on their technique and stuff like that. But the thing is, for us, those guys – if they can force double-teams it gives our guys, our fast linebackers, the ability to run and make plays, so that's what we want them to be able to do." 

(On the challenge of rotating defensive linemen when playing nickel defense)

"The thing is, we want to really play match-up. Now it gives us the ability to play match-up and we're just looking at our upcoming opponents – who matches up well – and the thing is, throughout the time we've been here, we do a pretty good job of rolling our guys pretty regularly. The six we take to the game, usually we feel pretty confident with them being in the game. We see Vita [Vea] since we've been here playing third down at his size and Akiem [Hicks] has played third down. And you drafted Logan [Hall] to help you on third down and then some of the other pieces in there with [Will] Gholston and 'Nacho' (Rakeem Nuñez-Roches) – we feel comfortable with all those guys out there at any particular time."

(On where this defense can improve from last year to this year)

"The thing that you see is the overall athleticism, and when I say that, we looked at a bunch of guys that were released, guys that are no longer with us, [who] played a lot of snaps for us, but we still feel like the people that we acquired gives us the flexibility of some position-flex and more athleticism."

(On what he's seen from DL Logan Hall)

"The thing about him is, and what we saw from him in college is, his ability to win one-on-one. So, what we're thinking is – we try to be a pressure-style defense, and that being said, some of the looks that we create, we're going to guarantee a one-on-one. We're going to force you to give us a one-on-one here and what he's shown so far in camp is the ability to win a one-on-one. We know what our edge guys can do, we know what our big guys can do, but they're going to be more power-oriented, it's going to take them longer to get there. Logan has that quick-twitch guy – to be 6-foot-5, 6-foot-6, 290 [pounds], 295 [pounds], he can really move. So that is something that we didn't have."

(On the addition of Cowboys T Jason Peters to their practice squad)

"Well, when you look at the veteran first of all, I was with him in college at Arkansas – so  you're calling out my age – but you're still talking about a quality pro and when we looked back, we played against him last year at Chicago and they guy is still doing it on a high level. Then we played against him in Philly a couple years ago – the guy's really been around, he's seen it all, a serviceable guy and a competitor. So, we just have to prepare for whoever they put out. He will definitely be a solid, solid player."

(On his new role as run game coordinator/defensive line coach)

"The beauty about it is, everything really stayed status quo in that it's more responsibility as far as the on the field stuff this and that and having to call the plays from that stand point, but really we were such an interactive group when it comes to game planning. We're all in this, a cohesive group, and then at the end of the day, we'll make a decision on what we'll go with. But the way we gameplan, everybody brings something to the table. So really for us, the best thing to say is, we've kind of been status quo. It really hasn't changed the way we go about business at all."

(On what he's seen from CB Jamel Dean)

"This year it was kind of interesting going into camp, but he made it clear right away that we're going to have a battle for that position and each day he just kept making plays. Sitting next to 'Rock' (Kevin Ross) in our meeting room, and everyday he'd point out getting his hands on the ball. With the style of defense that we play, our corners, they're out there, you've got to be able to get your hands on the ball and be able to cover 'X' and 'Z.' He stepped up and really did that and to see the growth of this guy and to see him really step up… because it was really close because Sean [Murphy-Bunting] had a really good camp. But, really just to see the growth that he made was really impressive."

(On what changed for CB Jamel Dean between this year and last year)

"[He] became more of a smarter player, noticing situations. We play a lot of man-to-man coverage, so if they get ready to bunch, you've got to be able to make sure you communicate and call this or that. They give you a lot of stuff to play with your eyes – his eyes are in the right place. We knew he could cover, but now he's seeing the total game. And he's really, really maturing as a football player. His eyes are in better shape and he kind of knows combination routes. If there's something coming in front of you, they're bringing something behind you and stuff like that. His knowledge of the game is just really, really noticeable."

(On how they gauged the competition between cornerbacks Jamel Dean and Sean Murphy-Bunting)

"We were very, very fortunate to have Miami come in [for joint practices], then we went to Tennessee and in all our one-on-one drills and this and that – it really wasn't just like the preseason game – it was a full body of work. We always practice good-on-good in practice, so you know, you're covering Mike Evans running around, you've Julio [Jones], you've got a lot of receivers, so we really just did the full body of work."


(On how he feels about the secondary depth heading into the 2022 regular season)

"I feel great. It's probably the best we've been since I've been here as far as depth and having guys able to step up if somebody's down and keep the standard. I feel really good going into the season."

(On his feelings headed into this season opposed to last year)

"I mean I don't know. It's kind of the same for me every year as far as like, 'Kick ass, take names.' Regardless of what happened last year or what people are saying on the outside, I'm fixated on winning and locking people up."

(On how the mood changes from preseason to regular season)

"You just understand what's at stake now as opposed to the preseason games, so you know it's the real thing now. This is where we start our Super Bowl chase at. We're taking it one game at time, and this is our first challenge."  

(On the group of quarterbacks the defense will see the first four games)

"We've always had a good lineup of quarterbacks that we've faced. I guess [it comes with] just being in the NFC or whatever the case may be. But like I said, 'One game at a time. One team at a time.' I'm just excited just to be back out here to play ball and start the regular season off."


(On entering Week 1)

"It feels different – it feels great. Looking forward to this Sunday night going against a great opponent such as the Dallas Cowboys. We're excited. We might not be showing it as much, but we're ready to hit somebody else."

(On having the stability of a multi-year contract with the Buccaneers)

"It feels great. I'm blessed. I thank God for another opportunity. For running backs, our career is a short span in this league. This team and this organization know how to take care of their players on and off the field. I'm just grateful to be here and to call Tampa Bay my home. Once again, I'm happy." 

(On the leadership throughout the locker room)

"The thing I love about this team is we have leaders all over, whether you get the 'C' on your chest or not. That's the amazing thing about this team – any young guy can come to any older guy or vet and just ask them questions because we've all been through certain situations, and probably similar situations too, so that's the special thing about this team."


(On the team's leadership roles and being named a team captain)

"The thing that we preach around here is it doesn't matter if you have the "C" on your chest or not, you've got to come here and you've got to hold yourself accountable as that guy. You've got to be able to tell another guy, 'X, Y, and Z.' For instance, me and Antoine [Winfield Jr.], we over-prepare with being physically ready. We run on and off the field and touch the line, and he doesn't have a "C" on his chest, but if I'm slacking, he'll bring me with him. It's just what we do here. Obviously, you can only pick a certain number of guys [as team captain] but we want everybody to feel like they've got the right to be able to exercise their voice in any way on this team."

(On NT Vita Vea being named a team captain)

"I think he's been a guy that's been really consistent. Even when he was hurt, he was still around the building. He's always going to be that guy that you can lean on when it's time. Everybody sees it, everybody wants to play with a guy like him, everybody respects a guy like him and respects what he does on the field as well. I think that helped him out a lot. He's a deserving guy."

(On preparing for the Dallas offense in Week 1)

"We're expecting to stop the run, coach Kacy [Rodgers] emphasized that. We've got to really buckle down because they've got two great backs, two of the [best] backs in the NFL. We've got to be ready to stop those two guys."

(On CB Jamel Dean's growth)

"I can just speak on this training camp – he's been attacking the ball. Dean was always a player who was going to be in position. He wasn't going after the ball, but he wasn't going to get beat. He took his game to another level. He's tall, probably the fastest defensive player, he's long and [has good range]. Now that he's attacking the ball, I think that put together a résumé."

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